Kosmic Soul Streams

Antony Hequet will present his first live streaming concert of Kosmic Soul Music, emanating from his place in Umbria on Friday June 5th at 16:00. Reserve your virtual seat now: Click here to receive a reminder.   

“When we need to find our courage, we find it in music. When we need to find resilience, we find it in poetry. When we need to feed our souls, we find it in our sisters’ and brothers’ presence.”

The present state of the world is a source of stress, anguish and even despair for many of us. We can see the limits of a system which cares only about the material aspects of life, and doesn’t even succeed in providing the basic goods for everybody.

How can we bring more balance in our lives ? Where can we find the courage and the energy, not only to transform ourselves, but to bring about some deep changes in our society ?

Poetry is magic. Music is magic. Art is magic. Poetry, Music and Art are magic when they go beyond modern cultural and intellectual limitations. When they speak directly to our hearts. When they use forms and structures which are powerful enough to awaken our souls, lift our spirits, shake our very cells so deeply that we feel the urge to act, to do something, not only for ourselves but for everyone and everything we love and hold dear.

Antony Hequet’s poetry has that power. It draws its inspiration from a long tradition which does not separate spirituality from the material world. It is shooting out words of wisdom which bring fortitude to support us in our everyday life. The rhythm, the images and inflections are carefully chosen to create new patterns of thought, thus boosting our energy and raising our inner power. His poems function like mantras.

But Antony Hequet is not a priest or a preacher. You are not expected to sit down quietly and listen to him in a passive way. The purpose here is to bring people together, offering them effective tools to face and confront the shadow – inside and outside – with courage and confidence. To create a circle in which the energy will flow between members, so as to form a community which will provide both protection and strength. Self realisation is very important but we also need a collective force to shift the lines.

It is striking to see that while we need new forms of spirituality based on global balance – within ourselves and with all living beings – those in power use tremendous energy in order to divide and isolate people. As always, their major tools are false hopes and fear.

Antony Hequet has a clear message: “Do not fear!” The shadow may be spreading, but there’s still a glimpse of light. To reach that light, we must welcome the shadow. The music and the poetry which will be shared here can guide us, protect us and give us energy and insight, on that difficult but necessary journey.

Many traditions, as well as recent scientific discoveries, have brought to light this very ancient poetic intuition: matter is energy, and energy is vibration. We hope that you will be moved by the vibration emanating from the music, the voice and the words which will be circulating here.


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